1 00:00:07,730 --> 00:00:16,528 good morning everybody 2 00:00:09,900 --> 00:00:19,439 today is April 8th and the shutdown the 3 00:00:16,528 --> 00:00:22,800 lockdown due to the spread of the corona 4 00:00:19,439 --> 00:00:24,629 virus continues and according to some 5 00:00:22,800 --> 00:00:27,839 statistics that I was able to gather 6 00:00:24,629 --> 00:00:33,200 this morning here in the United States 7 00:00:27,839 --> 00:00:36,710 there so far been 402 thousand cases of 8 00:00:33,200 --> 00:00:42,059 people infected with the virus and 9 00:00:36,710 --> 00:00:45,750 roughly 13,000 deaths and in the United 10 00:00:42,058 --> 00:00:48,439 in New York State as of yesterday there 11 00:00:45,750 --> 00:00:52,710 have been five thousand and five hundred 12 00:00:48,439 --> 00:00:55,619 deaths now we have to remember that the 13 00:00:52,710 --> 00:00:58,679 these deaths are not merely abstract 14 00:00:55,619 --> 00:01:02,250 statistics but these represent the 15 00:00:58,679 --> 00:01:05,790 passing out of this life of real human 16 00:01:02,250 --> 00:01:09,030 beings these were people with lives just 17 00:01:05,790 --> 00:01:11,729 like our own people have to had hoped to 18 00:01:09,030 --> 00:01:15,000 have a long lifespan who had hoped for 19 00:01:11,728 --> 00:01:17,900 good health who had their projects their 20 00:01:15,000 --> 00:01:20,938 wishes their hopes their aspirations 21 00:01:17,900 --> 00:01:23,430 people who had family members who love 22 00:01:20,938 --> 00:01:26,779 them and cherish them who had friends 23 00:01:23,430 --> 00:01:31,740 who also loved them and cherish them and 24 00:01:26,780 --> 00:01:34,739 now as this terrible virus spreads it 25 00:01:31,739 --> 00:01:38,819 robs the world of each of these people 26 00:01:34,739 --> 00:01:41,489 and so we should call them to mind with 27 00:01:38,819 --> 00:01:45,419 thoughts of sympathy particularly for 28 00:01:41,489 --> 00:01:47,789 their friends and relatives and I also 29 00:01:45,420 --> 00:01:52,859 hope that everybody who is watching this 30 00:01:47,790 --> 00:01:59,909 is maintaining good health through this 31 00:01:52,859 --> 00:02:02,640 very trying period very severe tests of 32 00:01:59,909 --> 00:02:04,490 our patience of a determination of our 33 00:02:02,640 --> 00:02:07,250 equanimity 34 00:02:04,489 --> 00:02:09,368 and it's particularly I want to 35 00:02:07,250 --> 00:02:13,669 emphasize again that it's particularly 36 00:02:09,368 --> 00:02:16,520 important to adhere strictly to the 37 00:02:13,669 --> 00:02:19,639 guidelines lay down by the health 38 00:02:16,520 --> 00:02:23,540 authorities to observe what is called 39 00:02:19,639 --> 00:02:25,879 social distant distancing to remain in 40 00:02:23,539 --> 00:02:29,568 one's place of residence to the base 41 00:02:25,879 --> 00:02:34,189 best of one's ability to avoid meeting 42 00:02:29,568 --> 00:02:38,149 with people out in groups and to always 43 00:02:34,189 --> 00:02:41,900 wash one's hands with soap to wash them 44 00:02:38,150 --> 00:02:47,989 for 20 seconds to avoid touching the 45 00:02:41,900 --> 00:02:51,019 face with one's hands and to try to 46 00:02:47,989 --> 00:02:55,180 remain fixed within one's place of 47 00:02:51,019 --> 00:02:55,180 residence to the best of one's ability 48 00:02:55,509 --> 00:03:01,459 today I want to speak about two 49 00:02:58,250 --> 00:03:04,848 particular problems that arise as we are 50 00:03:01,459 --> 00:03:09,939 observing the lockdown as we are 51 00:03:04,848 --> 00:03:09,939 observing these stay at home quarters 52 00:03:10,719 --> 00:03:19,609 one of the problems arises when we're 53 00:03:16,269 --> 00:03:21,409 staying at home in a place in which 54 00:03:19,609 --> 00:03:25,600 there are several other people our 55 00:03:21,409 --> 00:03:29,269 family members or friends or roommates 56 00:03:25,599 --> 00:03:31,280 the other problem is a problem that 57 00:03:29,269 --> 00:03:35,180 arises when we are observing the 58 00:03:31,280 --> 00:03:37,849 lockdown or stay at home alone so each 59 00:03:35,180 --> 00:03:41,030 of these conditions has its own set of 60 00:03:37,849 --> 00:03:44,329 problems and I want to see what we can 61 00:03:41,030 --> 00:03:47,090 find within the Buddhist teachings and 62 00:03:44,329 --> 00:03:50,150 Buddhist practice that can help us deal 63 00:03:47,090 --> 00:03:53,000 with each of these challenges first 64 00:03:50,150 --> 00:03:56,170 comes the challenge of staying in a 65 00:03:53,000 --> 00:04:00,259 fixed residence with other people 66 00:03:56,169 --> 00:04:02,509 family members roommates friends now 67 00:04:00,259 --> 00:04:05,090 what happens under these conditions is 68 00:04:02,509 --> 00:04:07,750 when one is living in close association 69 00:04:05,090 --> 00:04:10,879 with others close 70 00:04:07,750 --> 00:04:14,599 in close quarters with others rubbing 71 00:04:10,879 --> 00:04:18,500 elbows with others throughout the day 72 00:04:14,599 --> 00:04:21,290 without any chance to break out and to 73 00:04:18,500 --> 00:04:25,240 go off on one's own it tends to give 74 00:04:21,290 --> 00:04:28,069 rise to feelings of tension hostility 75 00:04:25,240 --> 00:04:31,550 irritation annoyance and this could lead 76 00:04:28,069 --> 00:04:34,129 to unpleasant incidents outbreaks of 77 00:04:31,550 --> 00:04:37,040 violent speech abusive and aggressive 78 00:04:34,129 --> 00:04:40,990 speech was sometimes in some cases even 79 00:04:37,040 --> 00:04:44,510 to physical violence so how can we avoid 80 00:04:40,990 --> 00:04:48,199 letting the crammed conditions that 81 00:04:44,509 --> 00:04:51,129 we're observing great uh nerves and 82 00:04:48,199 --> 00:04:55,310 become a condition for the arising of 83 00:04:51,129 --> 00:04:57,649 disagreeable behavior okay there are 84 00:04:55,310 --> 00:05:00,230 several measures that we might draw upon 85 00:04:57,649 --> 00:05:04,359 first certain practices that we could 86 00:05:00,230 --> 00:05:08,319 undertake one practice that's useful is 87 00:05:04,360 --> 00:05:11,360 for everybody who is living in the same 88 00:05:08,319 --> 00:05:14,089 residence the same facility at the 89 00:05:11,360 --> 00:05:17,180 beginning of the active day perhaps at 90 00:05:14,089 --> 00:05:19,399 breakfast time or after breakfast to get 91 00:05:17,180 --> 00:05:23,449 together of course observing a certain 92 00:05:19,399 --> 00:05:25,849 distance between yourselves but sitting 93 00:05:23,449 --> 00:05:28,250 around the table or in the same room a 94 00:05:25,850 --> 00:05:31,879 chairs place the comfortable distance 95 00:05:28,250 --> 00:05:34,310 apart and make the determination each 96 00:05:31,879 --> 00:05:36,409 one makes the determination together 97 00:05:34,310 --> 00:05:39,259 that no matter what happens in the 98 00:05:36,410 --> 00:05:45,760 course of the day one is going to remain 99 00:05:39,259 --> 00:05:49,959 patient and peaceful and not allow this 100 00:05:45,759 --> 00:05:53,810 these crammed conditions to give rise to 101 00:05:49,959 --> 00:05:57,469 outbursts of angry speech or of 102 00:05:53,810 --> 00:06:00,589 aggressive behavior so when one makes 103 00:05:57,470 --> 00:06:03,500 that determination everybody making the 104 00:06:00,589 --> 00:06:07,279 pledge to follow those guidelines it 105 00:06:03,500 --> 00:06:09,980 acts on a curb on one's behavior 106 00:06:07,279 --> 00:06:13,489 so naturally feelings of irritation 107 00:06:09,980 --> 00:06:16,400 might arise feelings of annoyance 108 00:06:13,490 --> 00:06:19,350 displeasure with some of your roommates 109 00:06:16,399 --> 00:06:21,000 family members roommates for friends 110 00:06:19,350 --> 00:06:25,110 but when those feelings of irritation 111 00:06:21,000 --> 00:06:28,589 and annoyance arise you recognize them 112 00:06:25,110 --> 00:06:31,710 for what they are and you recall the 113 00:06:28,589 --> 00:06:35,689 pledge the resolution that you all made 114 00:06:31,709 --> 00:06:39,659 together and then you make an effort to 115 00:06:35,689 --> 00:06:43,290 prevent that annoyance from erupting in 116 00:06:39,660 --> 00:06:45,240 the form of disagreeable conduct and so 117 00:06:43,290 --> 00:06:50,040 one of the instruments that one can use 118 00:06:45,240 --> 00:06:53,400 to control the irritation is the 119 00:06:50,040 --> 00:06:55,980 practice of mindfulness and in this case 120 00:06:53,399 --> 00:06:59,879 would be a kind of Cittānupassanā, an 121 00:06:55,980 --> 00:07:02,930 exercise of contemplation of the mind or 122 00:06:59,879 --> 00:07:07,079 perhaps a form of Dhammānupassanā, in a 123 00:07:02,930 --> 00:07:09,540 contemplation of mental factors in this 124 00:07:07,079 --> 00:07:12,000 case the mental factor of ill will 125 00:07:09,540 --> 00:07:14,360 so rather than letting that irritation 126 00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:18,300 and annoyance govern the mind and 127 00:07:14,360 --> 00:07:21,150 control and (hence X??) one's behavior and express 128 00:07:18,300 --> 00:07:24,329 itself in one's behavior one notes the 129 00:07:21,149 --> 00:07:27,929 state of mind irritation annoyance 130 00:07:24,329 --> 00:07:31,050 ill-will and then one can either observe 131 00:07:27,930 --> 00:07:33,720 the state of mind or one makes until it 132 00:07:31,050 --> 00:07:37,170 fades away and disappears or one can 133 00:07:33,720 --> 00:07:40,500 make an active effort to suppress it and 134 00:07:37,170 --> 00:07:45,870 in any case one should control one's 135 00:07:40,500 --> 00:07:49,740 behavior a more direct antidote is to 136 00:07:45,870 --> 00:07:52,379 bring up the feeling of loving kindness 137 00:07:49,740 --> 00:07:54,629 towards the people who are causing the 138 00:07:52,379 --> 00:07:58,740 irritation so instead of letting the 139 00:07:54,629 --> 00:08:01,379 angry resentful thoughts continue to run 140 00:07:58,740 --> 00:08:04,530 through the mind as that irritation 141 00:08:01,379 --> 00:08:08,490 arises you bring forth the thought that 142 00:08:04,529 --> 00:08:11,819 we are all living under the same 143 00:08:08,490 --> 00:08:14,910 conditions these conditions might be 144 00:08:11,819 --> 00:08:17,370 difficult for me but they might also be 145 00:08:14,910 --> 00:08:21,120 difficult for the other person and we 146 00:08:17,370 --> 00:08:24,660 are all observing these regulations this 147 00:08:21,120 --> 00:08:28,230 stay-at-home practice in order to 148 00:08:24,660 --> 00:08:32,278 protect ourselves from contracting the 149 00:08:28,230 --> 00:08:34,110 disease caused by the virus 150 00:08:32,278 --> 00:08:37,019 and so you would think that we are all 151 00:08:34,110 --> 00:08:39,209 vulnerable to this illness and in this 152 00:08:37,019 --> 00:08:41,698 way one generates a feeling of loving 153 00:08:39,208 --> 00:08:44,818 kindness towards everybody in one's 154 00:08:41,698 --> 00:08:49,620 household generating the wish may they 155 00:08:44,818 --> 00:08:53,219 all be well may they all be happy may 156 00:08:49,620 --> 00:08:55,409 they all be safe may they all be healthy 157 00:08:53,220 --> 00:08:58,490 and if there's one person in particular 158 00:08:55,409 --> 00:09:02,159 that's causing the irritation you can 159 00:08:58,490 --> 00:09:04,438 direct that contemplation towards the 160 00:09:02,159 --> 00:09:08,219 person who's responsible for the 161 00:09:04,438 --> 00:09:09,778 irritation so this is a kind of practice 162 00:09:08,220 --> 00:09:14,100 that one could ( who?? do, there) are actually several 163 00:09:09,778 --> 00:09:18,389 practices simple mindful observation of 164 00:09:14,100 --> 00:09:21,808 the mind the more forceful suppression 165 00:09:18,389 --> 00:09:25,230 and elimination of the angry resentful 166 00:09:21,808 --> 00:09:28,350 thoughts and the application of the 167 00:09:25,230 --> 00:09:30,990 antidote the antidote in this case being 168 00:09:28,350 --> 00:09:33,808 loving-kindness so these are antidotes 169 00:09:30,990 --> 00:09:37,558 that one can apply in the course of the 170 00:09:33,808 --> 00:09:40,860 day then what one could do at some point 171 00:09:37,558 --> 00:09:43,308 in the evening that everybody gets 172 00:09:40,860 --> 00:09:47,308 together everybody who's living together 173 00:09:43,308 --> 00:09:50,188 comes together meets together again with 174 00:09:47,308 --> 00:09:53,490 sufficient distance between you and you 175 00:09:50,188 --> 00:09:57,120 each offer to all the members of the 176 00:09:53,490 --> 00:09:59,938 group an apology for any kind of 177 00:09:57,120 --> 00:10:03,688 unwholesome behavior that one has 178 00:09:59,938 --> 00:10:06,088 indulged in or any kind of unwholesome 179 00:10:03,688 --> 00:10:08,099 thoughts that might have arisen towards 180 00:10:06,089 --> 00:10:10,259 the others in the course of the day 181 00:10:08,100 --> 00:10:12,959 this is a common practice within the 182 00:10:10,259 --> 00:10:15,120 Buddhist monastic community generally 183 00:10:12,958 --> 00:10:18,469 when one has at certain occasions when 184 00:10:15,120 --> 00:10:22,409 we have the evening recitation each 185 00:10:18,470 --> 00:10:25,439 member of the monastic community will 186 00:10:22,409 --> 00:10:29,990 especially towards the elders will make 187 00:10:25,438 --> 00:10:33,629 the determination go Casavant ami ponte 188 00:10:29,990 --> 00:10:36,389 de vara taina cotton sobbing achayan 189 00:10:33,629 --> 00:10:40,769 committed may Ponte and oh come on 190 00:10:36,389 --> 00:10:42,379 Obadiah so he'll say I pay homage to you 191 00:10:40,769 --> 00:10:45,019 venerable one 192 00:10:42,379 --> 00:10:48,080 if I have committed any transgressions 193 00:10:45,019 --> 00:10:52,039 through the three doors of action so 194 00:10:48,080 --> 00:10:55,509 body speech or mind let the venerable 195 00:10:52,039 --> 00:10:58,039 one pardon me out of compassion for me 196 00:10:55,509 --> 00:11:01,220 so this doesn't have to be applied only 197 00:10:58,039 --> 00:11:03,559 by monks but as family members get 198 00:11:01,220 --> 00:11:07,370 together each one could say to the 199 00:11:03,559 --> 00:11:10,369 others I address you all I have respect 200 00:11:07,370 --> 00:11:13,629 and affection for you all and if I have 201 00:11:10,370 --> 00:11:17,870 behaved wrongly in any way through body 202 00:11:13,629 --> 00:11:18,429 through speech also a thought please all 203 00:11:17,870 --> 00:11:23,539 of you 204 00:11:18,429 --> 00:11:26,569 pardon me recognize my fault my 205 00:11:23,539 --> 00:11:31,309 transgression and let us turn over and 206 00:11:26,570 --> 00:11:33,230 make a better start tomorrow so these 207 00:11:31,309 --> 00:11:35,659 are some of techniques that one could 208 00:11:33,230 --> 00:11:39,500 use when living together with others 209 00:11:35,659 --> 00:11:42,679 under confined conditions that tend to 210 00:11:39,500 --> 00:11:46,519 give rise to irritation annoyance 211 00:11:42,679 --> 00:11:52,879 friction friction that might explode in 212 00:11:46,519 --> 00:11:55,819 aggressive speech or bodily behavior the 213 00:11:52,879 --> 00:11:58,429 other type of condition under which 214 00:11:55,820 --> 00:12:03,680 people might be living which causes 215 00:11:58,429 --> 00:12:05,539 problems and that is living alone this 216 00:12:03,679 --> 00:12:07,429 is for people who don't have family 217 00:12:05,539 --> 00:12:09,769 members don't have friends living with 218 00:12:07,429 --> 00:12:13,549 them but they're living in an apartment 219 00:12:09,769 --> 00:12:16,819 to room by themselves and don't have the 220 00:12:13,549 --> 00:12:19,909 opportunity to socialize with others and 221 00:12:16,820 --> 00:12:26,150 they might feel the oppression of 222 00:12:19,909 --> 00:12:30,230 loneliness isolation alienation and this 223 00:12:26,149 --> 00:12:32,779 can cause the ejection irritation they 224 00:12:30,230 --> 00:12:35,889 might turn it inward upon themselves and 225 00:12:32,779 --> 00:12:38,319 started indulging in thoughts of self 226 00:12:35,889 --> 00:12:41,529 depreciation 227 00:12:38,320 --> 00:12:44,530 and this could even lead to deep 228 00:12:41,529 --> 00:12:48,189 depression feeling of being completely 229 00:12:44,529 --> 00:12:51,490 isolated from others so how do we deal 230 00:12:48,190 --> 00:12:54,310 with a condition like this again there 231 00:12:51,490 --> 00:12:56,950 are several tools that the buddhadharma 232 00:12:54,309 --> 00:12:59,099 gives us well first even before turning 233 00:12:56,950 --> 00:13:02,890 to the Buddha Dhamma is a very practical 234 00:12:59,100 --> 00:13:06,340 you know ordinary way in which we can 235 00:13:02,889 --> 00:13:11,259 break out of that cage of isolation and 236 00:13:06,340 --> 00:13:14,800 loneliness living in this modern time we 237 00:13:11,259 --> 00:13:18,789 have access to electronic means of 238 00:13:14,799 --> 00:13:22,049 communication we can use the telephone 239 00:13:18,789 --> 00:13:26,349 to call our friends or family members 240 00:13:22,049 --> 00:13:29,639 speak to them ask how they are you know 241 00:13:26,350 --> 00:13:31,690 express our good wishes for them and 242 00:13:29,639 --> 00:13:34,689 particularly there might be people that 243 00:13:31,690 --> 00:13:36,550 like family members friends that we 244 00:13:34,690 --> 00:13:39,250 haven't communicated with for a long 245 00:13:36,549 --> 00:13:42,069 time but now when we're all living under 246 00:13:39,250 --> 00:13:44,620 these very demanding conditions this 247 00:13:42,070 --> 00:13:48,129 might be the time to contact them again 248 00:13:44,620 --> 00:13:51,129 and to renew old acquaintances and to 249 00:13:48,129 --> 00:13:53,980 express your concern for your family 250 00:13:51,129 --> 00:13:57,279 members for your friends even some 251 00:13:53,980 --> 00:14:01,330 colleagues or acquaintances and through 252 00:13:57,279 --> 00:14:03,909 the means of the telephone sky zoom or 253 00:14:01,330 --> 00:14:06,460 other means of communication you can 254 00:14:03,909 --> 00:14:09,100 establish contact with them communicate 255 00:14:06,460 --> 00:14:11,889 with them and because we're all living 256 00:14:09,100 --> 00:14:13,500 under Fairey challenging conditions this 257 00:14:11,889 --> 00:14:16,210 provides the opportunity for 258 00:14:13,500 --> 00:14:18,279 establishing deeper relationships 259 00:14:16,210 --> 00:14:20,769 whereas when we're living under normal 260 00:14:18,279 --> 00:14:22,079 conditions our contacts our 261 00:14:20,769 --> 00:14:24,909 relationships might be rather 262 00:14:22,080 --> 00:14:27,550 superficial and not really touching the 263 00:14:24,909 --> 00:14:30,939 very depths of our being but when we are 264 00:14:27,549 --> 00:14:34,509 all really staring in the face of the 265 00:14:30,940 --> 00:14:37,450 debilitating illness even an illness 266 00:14:34,509 --> 00:14:39,879 which can turn lethal and take lives 267 00:14:37,450 --> 00:14:42,850 this becomes the chance for us to 268 00:14:39,879 --> 00:14:47,039 establish much deeper 269 00:14:42,850 --> 00:14:50,379 much more personal more intimate 270 00:14:47,039 --> 00:14:53,139 relationships with our family members 271 00:14:50,379 --> 00:14:54,879 and friends and so even though we might 272 00:14:53,139 --> 00:14:57,699 be living physically alone 273 00:14:54,879 --> 00:15:00,879 but through telephone Skype zoom or 274 00:14:57,700 --> 00:15:04,180 other means we can break out of our 275 00:15:00,879 --> 00:15:09,370 loneliness and establish communications 276 00:15:04,179 --> 00:15:12,039 with others but also now coming within 277 00:15:09,370 --> 00:15:17,169 the domain of the buddhadharma we should 278 00:15:12,039 --> 00:15:18,819 see the conditions of confinement and 279 00:15:17,169 --> 00:15:21,099 stay at home 280 00:15:18,820 --> 00:15:24,640 orders under which we're living to be a 281 00:15:21,100 --> 00:15:28,600 precious opportunity an opportunity to 282 00:15:24,639 --> 00:15:32,730 go deeper inside through the cultivation 283 00:15:28,600 --> 00:15:36,509 of the practices of the buddha dhamma 284 00:15:32,730 --> 00:15:41,019 particularly the practice of Bhavana 285 00:15:36,509 --> 00:15:42,970 meditation the buddha says that he this 286 00:15:41,019 --> 00:15:45,759 is shortly before he passed away he 287 00:15:42,970 --> 00:15:50,379 instructed his disciples the monastic 288 00:15:45,759 --> 00:15:52,319 disciples to dwell as islands unto 289 00:15:50,379 --> 00:15:56,649 themselves 290 00:15:52,320 --> 00:16:00,610 refuges unto themselves taking no other 291 00:15:56,649 --> 00:16:03,370 island no other refuge (DN. 16 Mahāparinibbāna Sutta) and what is that 292 00:16:00,610 --> 00:16:07,740 island what is that refuge if Buddha's 293 00:16:03,370 --> 00:16:11,200 as disciples to rely upon it is the four 294 00:16:07,740 --> 00:16:14,649 foundations of mindfulness so when we 295 00:16:11,200 --> 00:16:17,740 take up the practice of developing the 296 00:16:14,649 --> 00:16:20,799 four foundations of mindfulness which 297 00:16:17,740 --> 00:16:24,340 means it affects the systematic formal 298 00:16:20,799 --> 00:16:28,329 methodical practice of meditation then 299 00:16:24,340 --> 00:16:34,660 we see the chance to live in solitude to 300 00:16:28,330 --> 00:16:37,240 be staying alone to be as a kind of 301 00:16:34,659 --> 00:16:40,019 liberation from our obligations to 302 00:16:37,240 --> 00:16:44,590 others and a chance to look more deeply 303 00:16:40,019 --> 00:16:49,059 inside to dwell deep inside ourselves 304 00:16:44,590 --> 00:16:53,040 and to experience a peace a joy a 305 00:16:49,059 --> 00:16:56,699 happiness that is only possible when 306 00:16:53,039 --> 00:16:59,639 dwelling inwardly in solitude 307 00:16:56,700 --> 00:17:01,890 and even when can join if one doesn't 308 00:16:59,639 --> 00:17:02,909 want to practice meditation exclusively 309 00:17:01,889 --> 00:17:05,309 by oneself 310 00:17:02,909 --> 00:17:09,059 there are various opportunities over the 311 00:17:05,309 --> 00:17:11,970 Internet to join meditation groups or 312 00:17:09,059 --> 00:17:16,649 Dhamma discussion groups what to listen 313 00:17:11,970 --> 00:17:21,680 to Dhamma discourses and so one could be 314 00:17:16,650 --> 00:17:24,690 practicing alone but in communic 315 00:17:21,680 --> 00:17:28,019 communion with others in association 316 00:17:24,690 --> 00:17:30,480 with others and as one comes to dwell 317 00:17:28,019 --> 00:17:34,799 was in through the practice of 318 00:17:30,480 --> 00:17:39,089 meditation then one comes to enjoy the 319 00:17:34,799 --> 00:17:42,149 solitude to cherish it and this becomes 320 00:17:39,089 --> 00:17:46,049 a kind of ideal way of dwelling sits 321 00:17:42,150 --> 00:17:49,710 well fixed within the body to dwell with 322 00:17:46,049 --> 00:17:55,980 in one's own feelings to dwell within 323 00:17:49,710 --> 00:17:58,500 one's mind descending into deeper more 324 00:17:55,980 --> 00:18:01,589 peaceful more tranquil states of mind 325 00:17:58,500 --> 00:18:05,609 and to come to know and to understand 326 00:18:01,589 --> 00:18:08,669 more clearly the contents the workings 327 00:18:05,609 --> 00:18:11,759 the operation of one's mind and so in 328 00:18:08,670 --> 00:18:17,580 this way one finds dwelling in solitude 329 00:18:11,759 --> 00:18:22,710 to be a precious opportunity to discover 330 00:18:17,579 --> 00:18:26,699 the peace the joy of was called "nekkhamma 331 00:18:22,710 --> 00:18:32,009 sukha the Bliss of renunciation the 332 00:18:26,700 --> 00:18:35,519 Bliss of solitude and while we dwell in 333 00:18:32,009 --> 00:18:39,259 solitude through our practice we could 334 00:18:35,519 --> 00:18:39,259 develop at a deep level 335 00:18:39,670 --> 00:18:45,730 communion with others through the 336 00:18:42,619 --> 00:18:49,849 practice especially the development of 337 00:18:45,730 --> 00:18:51,380 meta and karuṇā (loving-kindness and 338 00:18:49,849 --> 00:18:54,949 compassion) 339 00:18:51,380 --> 00:18:59,720 so through loving-kindness we generate 340 00:18:54,950 --> 00:19:02,660 we spread our mind out over first our 341 00:18:59,720 --> 00:19:05,480 place of residence the building in which 342 00:19:02,660 --> 00:19:06,650 we're living in my case the monastery 343 00:19:05,480 --> 00:19:10,069 where I'm living 344 00:19:06,650 --> 00:19:13,430 could be your apartment building your 345 00:19:10,069 --> 00:19:16,069 your street your neighbourhood extending 346 00:19:13,430 --> 00:19:19,880 to everyone the wish that they might be 347 00:19:16,069 --> 00:19:22,009 well happy and safe and then you spread 348 00:19:19,880 --> 00:19:26,090 that mind of loving kindness further 349 00:19:22,009 --> 00:19:29,480 throughout the whole country wishing all 350 00:19:26,089 --> 00:19:32,209 the people in the u.s. be well happy and 351 00:19:29,480 --> 00:19:35,630 safe and then extended to the whole 352 00:19:32,210 --> 00:19:40,750 world wishing that everyone in the world 353 00:19:35,630 --> 00:19:44,360 is well happy safe and able to preserve 354 00:19:40,750 --> 00:19:46,940 good health so that is the practice of 355 00:19:44,359 --> 00:19:50,029 loving kindness and then when you think 356 00:19:46,940 --> 00:19:53,539 about the people who are fallen ill who 357 00:19:50,029 --> 00:19:56,839 are suffering from the virus who might 358 00:19:53,539 --> 00:20:01,909 be lying in a hospital bed attended by 359 00:19:56,839 --> 00:20:04,519 nurses having difficulty breathing and 360 00:20:01,910 --> 00:20:07,160 you think about the relatives who are 361 00:20:04,519 --> 00:20:10,220 looking after them anxiously then you 362 00:20:07,160 --> 00:20:12,380 develop the mind of compassion thinking 363 00:20:10,220 --> 00:20:15,980 of all the people afflicted with 364 00:20:12,380 --> 00:20:19,430 suffering and generate the wish they all 365 00:20:15,980 --> 00:20:21,950 be free from suffering and then one 366 00:20:19,430 --> 00:20:25,970 could bring to mind all of the people 367 00:20:21,950 --> 00:20:28,190 who are sacrificing their own time even 368 00:20:25,970 --> 00:20:32,360 their own health and even putting their 369 00:20:28,190 --> 00:20:35,630 own life on the line to serve others to 370 00:20:32,359 --> 00:20:38,419 serve complete strangers we think of the 371 00:20:35,630 --> 00:20:41,090 doctors the nurses the other hospital 372 00:20:38,420 --> 00:20:43,100 staff the service workers and the 373 00:20:41,089 --> 00:20:46,759 different service industries who are 374 00:20:43,099 --> 00:20:49,099 working to keep the economy running now 375 00:20:46,759 --> 00:20:52,460 we could generate towards them a mind of 376 00:20:49,099 --> 00:20:53,189 great appreciation this would be a kind 377 00:20:52,460 --> 00:20:57,549 of 378 00:20:53,190 --> 00:21:02,279 mudita altruistic joy rejoicing in their 379 00:20:57,549 --> 00:21:05,769 dedication the selfless service their 380 00:21:02,279 --> 00:21:08,529 activities even self sacrificial 381 00:21:05,769 --> 00:21:12,759 activities putting their health and 382 00:21:08,529 --> 00:21:16,480 well-being at risk to serve others and 383 00:21:12,759 --> 00:21:19,420 we rejoice and in in their activities 384 00:21:16,480 --> 00:21:23,230 and this way we generate a very pure 385 00:21:19,420 --> 00:21:25,029 wholesome mind of altruistic joy and so 386 00:21:23,230 --> 00:21:29,440 in this way through loving kindness 387 00:21:25,029 --> 00:21:30,730 compassion and altruistic joy even when 388 00:21:29,440 --> 00:21:35,340 we're living alone 389 00:21:30,730 --> 00:21:38,910 we are stablishing very deep very strong 390 00:21:35,339 --> 00:21:41,889 powerful connections with others 391 00:21:38,910 --> 00:21:46,180 connections which are founded upon the 392 00:21:41,890 --> 00:21:49,600 fact that our own life even though we 393 00:21:46,180 --> 00:21:53,500 might feel lonely and isolated but never 394 00:21:49,599 --> 00:21:57,250 alone never isolated but we live within 395 00:21:53,500 --> 00:22:01,539 this very intricate infinitely complex 396 00:21:57,250 --> 00:22:03,880 web of mutual dependencies and so by 397 00:22:01,539 --> 00:22:06,789 generating loving kindness and 398 00:22:03,880 --> 00:22:11,110 compassion and altruistic joy we are 399 00:22:06,789 --> 00:22:14,980 sending our mental waves out along the 400 00:22:11,109 --> 00:22:19,049 fibers of these Nets of relationships 401 00:22:14,980 --> 00:22:24,220 and we are strengthening the well-being 402 00:22:19,049 --> 00:22:28,839 the vibrancy the Solidarity of the whole 403 00:22:24,220 --> 00:22:29,680 and this should give us a reason to be 404 00:22:28,839 --> 00:22:34,149 joyful 405 00:22:29,680 --> 00:22:37,150 even in our solitude okay with this I 406 00:22:34,150 --> 00:22:40,180 will end this short presentation today 407 00:22:37,150 --> 00:22:43,420 and again I want to extend to everybody 408 00:22:40,180 --> 00:22:46,269 my best wishes for your well-being and 409 00:22:43,420 --> 00:22:49,509 health and I'll end with some verses of 410 00:22:46,269 --> 00:22:54,089 blessing calling upon the Anubhāva 411 00:22:49,509 --> 00:22:57,129 the spiritual power of the Triple Gem to 412 00:22:54,089 --> 00:23:01,169 promote the well-being and happiness and 413 00:22:57,130 --> 00:23:06,760 safety of all of you 414 00:23:01,170 --> 00:23:12,490 Sabbītiyo vivajjantu Sabba-rogo vinassatu (May all calamities be avoided, may all diseases disappear) 415 00:23:06,759 --> 00:23:13,359 Mā te bhavatvantarāyo Sukhī dīghā 416 00:23:12,490 --> 00:23:17,109 yuko bhava. (may there be no obstacle[s] for you, [and may] you be happy and have long life.) 417 00:23:13,359 --> 00:23:22,049 Bhavatu sabba-maṅgalaṁ Rakkhantu 418 00:23:17,109 --> 00:23:27,279 sabba-devatā, (May all blessings be [yours], may all the deities protect [you];) 419 00:23:22,049 --> 00:23:27,819 Sabba-buddhānubhāvena Sadā sotthi bhavantu te. (by the power of all the Buddhas, may you have well-being always.) 420 00:23:27,279 --> 00:23:32,109 Bhavatu sabba-maṅgalaṁ (May all blessings be [yours], may all the deities protect [you];) 421 00:23:27,819 --> 00:23:37,089 Rakkhantu sabba-devatā, Sabba-dhammānu 422 00:23:32,109 --> 00:23:40,929 bhāvena Sadā sotthi bhavantu te. (by the power of all the Dhammas, may you have well-being always.) 423 00:23:37,089 --> 00:23:46,389 Bhavatu sabba-maṅgalaṁ Rakkhantu sabba-devatā (May all blessings be [yours], may all the deities protect [you]) 424 00:23:40,930 --> 00:23:50,170 Sabba-saṅghānubhāvena Sadā sotthi bhavan (by the power of all the Saṅghas, may you have well-being always.) 425 00:23:46,390 --> 00:23:52,900 tu te. by the spiritual power of the 426 00:23:50,170 --> 00:23:57,550 Buddha Dharma and Sangha 427 00:23:52,900 --> 00:24:01,570 may the Devas protect you and may you 428 00:23:57,549 --> 00:24:03,269 all be well and healthy and may you all 429 00:24:01,569 --> 00:24:05,329 be safe